Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Visit to the Belize Zoo

We got excited when Albert requested an excursion with his family.
This was a great way to get acquainted and have fun too.
We had been to church together in the morning, but at the zoo 
we had a more relaxed time to learn to know each other.
This tapir drew our attention. 
He can be seen in the jungle here at night.
This requires a hike at night with a guide.
Sleeping the day away.
How sad to cage these beautiful toucans.
We see pelicans flying along the ocean beaches, 
but they don't let us get close.
Wow!  What a pouch for catching a fish!
We got a close up view.
The Jabiru is a large wading bird.
Bird watchers travel to Belize to view this rarely seen bird.
We have seen him many times in his native habitat.
This shows the length of the Jabiru's wing span.