Saturday, August 6, 2016

Tim and Julie Arrived

The long awaited day came when Tim and Julie,
TJ, Simeon, and Gabe arrived in Belize.
We are happy to share a home with them here in Belize.
Our dream finally became a reality!
The first glimpse of their airplane upon their arrival.
We identified them as they walked off the plane.
Closer to hug and assist with luggage.
Dad and Son enjoying being together
How will all that luggage get into the back of the car/
The men managed to pack it all in.
We enjoyed a meal together on our way home.
The boys tried on Dad's new hat.
 Grandma tried it on too.
There will be many more fun things to try together!
We thank God for bringing our family home to live with us!
Pray that God would continue to bond us together in love.
Pray that we will impact our community as a loving Christian family.
The neighborhood children were waiting to greet us 
and help carry the luggage into the house.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Affects and Clean Up after Hurricane Earl

We didn't sleep much during the night 
because of the noises from the strong winds outside.
When daylight came we slipped outside to take a look around.
Our trees planted a year ago were bent by the wind.
The small bushes too showed the affect from the strong winds.
Limbs and branches from the big fallen shade tree behind our house.
The top of the tree looked stripped of it's former beauty.
The fields behind our house were flooded.
We had a loud flapping sound from a loose shingle all night!
Our neighbor's outhouse got destroyed.
Our climbing spinach plant got stripped.
and flattened on the ground.
Our back yard held flooded water.  
We were glad that the storm was more windy than rainy.
We took a morning walk around our neighborhood 
despite the drizzling rain.
More clean-up awaits us on the church grounds.
Earl shaved this beautiful old tree.
Our neighbor's fallen tree.
A neighbor lost the roof to his working place.
Our dear brother in Christ, Patrick Veliz, is a hard worker.
He said, "I'm glad to be your servant."
We appreciated his ability to use his machete to clean-up.
Galen worked hard too!
When Phyllis was carrying branches 
she felt something move at her fingers.
It was a worm the same color as the wood.
"It lives in the wood", Patrick told us.
Did you find that worm peeping at you?
What a big brush pile by the road! 
We hope the community wagon will come and pick it up.
If not when it's dry we will have a huge bun fire.
Friends from Belize posted pictures of more flooding and damages.
We will surely see more as we travel to the Belize airport 
to pick up Tim and Julie and the boys on Saturday.